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How To Make Up A Jazz Song On Guitar

Making up jazz songs on the guitar is pretty easy once you know the basics.

This web page builds on what you learned on these web pages (listed on the left): The Secret and Tired of Playing The Same Old Songs? Make Up Songs. If you're a complete beginner you might want to check out Guitar Basics.

Jazz Chord Progressions
A standard jazz chord progression uses the 2, 5 and 1 chords of any key. Read on to see an example in the key of G.

Jazz guitar chord progression 2-5-1

Another jazzy chord progression that I like uses the 1, 6, 2 and 5 chords of any key.

Jazz guitar chord progression 1-6-2-5

It sounds even more jazzy when you use the jazz chords in the second set of examples. Read on to see these examples in the key of G.

Jazz Chord Progression in the Key of G
Here are these two examples in the key of G. In the first example be sure to play Chord 1, G Major for two measures.

Guitar chords in the Key of G

Standard jazz chord progression in the Key of G

Another jazz chord progression in the Key of G

Try these Jazzy Sounding Chords
Now play the same progressions again but use the jazzy chords below. In the first example be sure to play Chord 1, G Major 7 for two measures.

Jazz guitar chord diagrams in the Key of G

Standard jazz chord progression in the Key of G using jazzy chords

Another jazz chord progression in the Key of G using jazzy chords

  • To really give your song that jazz flavor, instead of strumming the strings, pluck some of the strings with your fingers at the same time.

  • The more advanced way of plucking is to pluck the lowest string in the chord first with your thumb, then pluck the higher strings all at once with your other fingers.

The jazzy chords you were just using in the previous example are called 7th chords.

There are three main types of 7th chords major 7th chords, written Gmaj7, minor 7th chords written Am7 and dominant 7th chords written D7.

For a long time I used these types of chords in my songs but I never understood where they came from or how to use them.

You can find out where they come from and how to use them in more detail in Guitar On the Spot II - Expanding the Code. Click here to learn more.

Not enough information?

If you want to know more stuff you can download a free guitar e-book and subscribe to my free song making guitar lessons by clicking here.

If the guitar is a little fuzzy to you this will give you a clearer picture:


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Guitar On the Spot Using the Code

Do you have the ambition to play the guitar, but you can't quite piece it all together?

In Using the Code you’ll discover the simple code that you can use to play the guitar.

You'll use it to make up your own songs, solos and riffs up and down the guitar neck, jam with other people and figure out how to play simple songs, solos and riffs by ear.

You don’t need to read notes.
You don’t need to read tab.
You don’t need any experience.

I’ve spent the last four years trying to find ways to learn scales with chords, riffs, etc.  This hasn’t happened until I researched your work and purchased your book. 

You have taken difficult learning methods and composed your own more understandable learning techniques. 

It's the best learning tool I have discovered in bookstores or the internet.

You have done wonders in helping people like me to better understand the guitar.

-Dave Stigen, Sparta, WI

"When I saw the book I thought oh it’s just another book. You know I've looked at a lot of books and they basically remind me that I need to practice various chord patterns and shapes and notes, it’s all about practice, but with Jesse’s book, it allowed me to practice in a more effective way that really benefited my guitar playing."

"It brought all those things that I thought were vastly beyond my abilities down to my level of understanding so that I could apply them and improve my skills."

"I think it’s a great way to start if you’ve never played because you can just use this whole formula that he’s developed to enhance you’re playing and to learn."

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If you've been reading a bunch of books trying to “figure it out” (that’s what I did, it took me years) and you're still confused, just check out the code and see if it clears anything up for you. You have nothing to lose.

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Using the Code
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