"It made me see the light down the tunnel."
-Jon, MI
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Do You Want To Jam With Other People On The Guitar?

Have you ever wondered how musicians just start playing together all at once and everything they play sounds good? I wondered that for a long time and then I finally figured out the secret. It's the Key Concept. Everyone jamming plays chords and notes from the same key.

You can hear what it sounds like on your computer right now by clicking the yellow buttons in Jesse's Guitar Song Making Machine below. The rhythm person plays chords from the key of G (top part) and the lead person plays notes in the solo pattern in the key of G (second part). Read on for a detailed example in another key.

Jesse's Guitar Song Making Machine

Rhythm Person Strums Chords
in the Key of G below

Click On The Yellow Buttons
To Make Up A Rhythm Part In The Key Of G

initially click once to activate

initially click once to

initially click once to activate

initially click once to activate

initially click once to activate

initially click once to activate

G Major

A minor

B Minor

C Major

D Major

E minor

Play The Chords On Your Guitar
click here to learn how to play chords

Lead Person Plays Notes
in the Key of G below

Click On The Yellow Buttons
To Make Up Solos On Lead Guitar In The Key Of G

initially click each button
once to activate it

Play the Black Notes
To Make Up A Solo On Lead Guitar
In The Key Of G

Don't have anyone to jam with right now?

You can download a back-up jam track that I recorded in the key of G. Right click here and choose "save target as". Save it to your desktop. Then double click on it so it starts playing. Then come back to this page and click on any buttons in the note pattern or play the notes on your guitar and you're jamming.

Here's an explanation of the secret:

The Secret
-The Key Concept-
The majority of songs that you hear are in certain "keys."

Hotel California Eagles Key of D
Imagine John Lennon Key of C
Nothing Else Matters Metallica Key of G
When September Ends Green Day Key of G
Hey Jude Beatles Key of F

So what's a key?
A key is basically a group of notes (you play a note when you pluck one string on the guitar). Each key has a different group of notes. The key of D has one group of notes, the key of G has a different group of notes, etc.

Each key also has a group of chords. A chord is three or more notes played at the same time. Chords have names like "C Major" or "A minor". The chords in each key are made using the notes in each key.

When musicians make up a song, they pick a key and then "mainly" use notes and chords that belong to that key. So Hotel California by the Eagles (in the list above), mainly uses the notes and chords in the key of D. Imagine by John Lennon mainly uses the notes and chords in the key of C. For a more detailed explanation of notes, chords and the key concept click here.

An easy way to immediately start jamming with another person is to pick a key for your jam, and then have one person play a rhythm part and the other person play a lead part. Then you can switch off.

The rhythm person strums chords from that key and the lead person plays notes from that key. Here are 3 steps you can follow:

3 Steps To Jam With Other People

1 PICK a Key for Your Jam

2 RHYTHM Person Strums Any Chords From That Key

3 LEAD Person Plays Any Notes From That Key

Here's an example:

3 Steps To Jam With Other People

1 PICK a Key for Your Jam

Pick a key for your jam. Shown below are 2 popular keys, the key of C and the key of G. In this example, I'll pick the key of C.

Key of C


Key of G


2 RHYTHM Person Strums Any Chords From That Key

One person can play rhythm by strumming any chords from that key.

In this example I picked the key of C below. So to make up a rhythm part play any of these chords. You can roll a die to choose them if you want to.

The most common chords are 1, 4, 5 and 6. (In the key of C those chords are C Major, F Major, G Major and A minor). You can play any of these in any order and they will sound good.

Click here to learn how to play chords in three steps.

Note: If you're playing by yourself you can record your own rhythm part and then play a lead part along with your recording (Step 3).

Chords in the Key of C

Here's a sample rhythm part:

Play the rhythm part:

3 LEAD Person Plays Notes From That Key

Now that you've got the rhythm part going the lead person just plays notes from that key using the note pattern below. Read on to learn how to play the note pattern.

Key of C

The black dots in the pattern show you which notes to play. When you first play the note pattern, play each note one at a time and use the specified finger for each fret. See the detailed instructions below.

Key of C
Lead Play the Note Pattern

To play the 1st note, place the index finger of your left hand (if you're right handed) on the thickest string (the low E string, string 6) just behind (to the immediate left of) the 5th fret (frets are the metal ridges in the guitar neck) and pluck that string with the thumb of your right hand. You can also use a pick instead of your thumb.

To play the 2nd note, place your pinky finger just behind the 8th fret on the thickest string (the low E string, string 6) and pluck that string.

To play the 3rd note, place your index finger just behind the 5th fret on the second thickest string (the A string, string 5) and pluck that string.

To play the 4th note, place your ring finger just behind the 7th fret on the second thickest string (the A string, string 5) and pluck that string.

To play the rest of the notes just follow the diagram.

Then play the notes in the reverse order.

Once you get comfortable playing the notes forward and backward in order, then you can skip around.

Special note about the key of G:
In the note pattern in the key of G in step 1 above, you'll notice that the black dots on the left are off of the edge of the guitar. This means that you play these notes by plucking each string "open" (without putting any fingers down). The edge of the guitar takes the place of your index finger. You can use whichever fingers you like to play the other notes.

Not enough information?

If you want to know more stuff you can download a free guitar e-book and subscribe to my free song making guitar lessons by clicking here.

If the guitar is a little fuzzy to you this will give you a clearer picture:


Guitar On the Spot
Using the Code
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Guitar music created
using the code

Guitar On the Spot Using the Code

Do you have the ambition to play the guitar, but you can't quite piece it all together?

In Using the Code you’ll discover the simple code that you can use to play the guitar.

You'll use it to make up your own songs, solos and riffs up and down the guitar neck, jam with other people and figure out how to play simple songs, solos and riffs by ear.

You don’t need to read notes.
You don’t need to read tab.
You don’t need any experience.

I never thought I could make sense of the guitar. I spent months trying to teach myself. Then my friend told me to check out this book and I finally "got it".

-Mike B., Santa Barbara, CA

"When I saw the book I thought ohhhh it’s just another book. You know I've looked at a lot of books and they basically remind me that I need to practice various chord patterns and shapes and notes, it’s all about practice, but with Jesse’s book, it allowed me to practice in a more effective way that really benefited my guitar playing."

"It brought all those things that I thought were vastly beyond my abilities down to my level of understanding so that I could apply them and improve my skills."

"I think it’s a great way to start if you’ve never played because you can just use this whole formula that he’s developed to enhance you’re playing and to learn"

-Jon B., MI

I give you an 8 week complete money back guarantee, so if you decide it's not what you're looking for I'll give you your money back.

If you've been reading a bunch of books trying to “figure it out” (that’s what I did, it took me years) and you're still confused, just check out the code and see if it clears anything up for you.

Guitar On the Spot
Using the Code
click here
to buy

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